Justice league crisis on two earths full movie
Justice league crisis on two earths full movie

which would, by extension, mean the Guardians of the Universe and the entire Corps must also be villains. If that were indeed the case, it would mean his ring had chosen a villain. This may be negated by assuming origin stories for characters from the comics, but based purely on the total lack of backstories for Crime Syndicate members in the movie, one might assume Power Ring to be a member of the Green Lantern Corps.Owlman said that the planet fell out of orbit and the people on it died, which explains the state of the Earth.Except there are ruins on its surface, which require a choice to build those structures in the first place (as well as invent the tools with which to build them, etc.).Why is Earth-Prime a barren, empty plain? Because there, no choices were made at all.This starts to make sense, however, if one remembers that a green power ring is weak against yellow - it isn't just a fashion choice, it's a precaution against Power Ring, who seems to have problems with authority. The designs of Ultraman and Johnny Quick are noticeably different from their comic book counterparts', particularly the abundance of color yellow.Neither he nor any copy of him will be able to even touch Earth-Prime. In short, Owlman would have destroyed one of Earth-Prime's offshoots.

justice league crisis on two earths full movie

According to Word of God, it's impossible to destroy Earth-Prime because once sapient life arrives, divergence will ensue for every choice made just like on any other world.

  • When Owlman realizes that his choices are pointless, he's more correct than he thinks.
  • They are the Crime Syndicate survivors, so even the DCAU-based toyline kinda fits with the movie.
  • Meta brilliance: The first few Crime Syndicate figures released in the Justice League Unlimited toyline were Ultraman, Power Ring and Superwoman.
  • Probably approval, since she did the same thing to be with Green Arrow in the comics, back in the 1970s.
  • You have to wonder what Black Canary would have thought of Wonder Woman urging J'onn to remain on Earth-2 to be with Rose.
  • The hailstorm of wrestling moves Wonder Woman rails on Superwoman with makes a lot of sense when you remember that wrestling as a sport/combat form was invented by the Greeks.
  • There's also the fact that regular-Earth Lex Luthor is in a prison cell, while at that point in the DCAU, he was running for president.
  • There is one more thing that keeps it from fitting in the regular Timmverse: The quick flashes of the End of Mars does not fit with what was established in Justice League's introductory episode however, this could be a stylistic choice.
  • The only thing keeping it from actually fitting in with the DCAU continuity is that Hal Jordan is Green Lantern instead of John Stewart. The new JL Watchtower with transporters, Wonder Woman's invisible plane, and the membership drive bear this out.

    #Justice league crisis on two earths full movie movie#

  • The movie was originally supposed to be set between Justice League and Justice League Unlimited.
  • Or possibly more of an envoy from a space crime league, if the Green Lantern Corps is evil in this universe.
  • Power Ring doesn't seem to care about whether the mob succeeds or not - makes sense, since he's still a space cop.
  • justice league crisis on two earths full movie

    Villain or no, Quick is a speedster and also one with the Speed Force. The bond between speedsters still is in force here - The Flash rushes to a dying Johnny Quick.His counterpart Johnny Quick is the only one of the Crime Syndicate with some good in him, and the Syndicate is defeated almost immediately after he dies.

    justice league crisis on two earths full movie

    Flash is repeatedly shown to be the most moral of the League, and the League would fall apart without him.

  • Here's one that only makes sense if you take the DCAU into account.
  • justice league crisis on two earths full movie

    Even if Ultraman could survive that, Superman probably would have as well and if he had won THAT fight, there was no guarantee he could survive off of sunlight until he got back to Earth. Also, as President Wilson said, they had enough nukes to kill everyone. Not only would they had to have faced the full Justice League again, but they would have to face everybody on their Earth who was willing to fight back, and that it was a pointless battle.

  • The ending seemed a little Narmy until you realize that what good Lex had said earlier was true: though the remainder of the Crime Syndicate probably could have taken down the Marines, Ultraman realized that now the people of his Earth were no longer afraid of him, and that fighting the Marines would have been futile.
  • So Lex saves it till Ultraman has him pinned on a roof.
  • Why doesn't Lex just whip out the Kryptonite before Ultraman starts pounding on him? Because if he did, Ultraman would fall out of range giving him time to recover and adapt.

  • Justice league crisis on two earths full movie